Bridging the Political Divide @ The MDLE

Let's Bridge the divide and create the best version of America this world has ever seen!
DENVER, Aug. 14, 2024 ~ As the 2024 election draws near, a groundbreaking initiative is set to tackle America's political polarization head on. The initiative, called "Let's Bridge the Divide," aims to empower voters by providing them with a platform to share their voices and advocate for bipartisan solutions.

Recent polling by Gallup has revealed that 28% of Americans identify as Democrats, 30% as Republicans, and a significant 41% as Independents. This highlights a major opportunity to engage beyond traditional party lines and work towards a more unified political landscape.

Founder of the initiative, Chris Kilcullen, stated, "We are not trying to create a third political party - that would only further divide us. Instead, our goal is to encourage both major parties to serve the needs of all Americans, not just their supporters." Kilcullen believes that the next President must unite the country for the benefit of all citizens, rather than just catering to one side or the other.

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The initiative has several key points that it aims to address. Firstly, it plans to understand voter needs and concerns by compiling the top three issues from every American. This will create a comprehensive list for leaders to address and ensure that they are focusing on the real needs of the entire population.

Secondly, "Let's Bridge the Divide" will promote bipartisan ideas and solutions through podcasts on their website and community engagements. These discussions will encourage leaders to listen, learn, and find common ground in order to solve problems together.

The initiative also plans on holding elected officials accountable by monitoring their actions and votes. This will ensure that they are aligning with the priorities identified by American voters rather than catering solely to special interests.

In addition, "Let's Bridge the Divide" hopes to inspire political engagement among all voters. They aim to encourage citizens to demand that candidates focus on addressing voter needs rather than attacking each other during campaigns.

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Kilcullen emphasized his belief in America as the land of opportunity, but expressed concern about the current state of political division. "This is not the country I want to pass down to my children," he said. "We need to set our differences aside and stop repeating the same divisive political cycles."

The initiative will continue beyond the 2024 election, with a commitment to gathering voter input, fostering bipartisan dialogue, and supporting candidates who are dedicated to bridging the political divide. Through this ongoing effort, "Let's Bridge the Divide" hopes to cultivate a more unified and effective political landscape.

For more information about this initiative and to participate in ongoing discussions, visit and tune in to their upcoming podcasts. Together, we can work towards creating the best version of America that this world has ever seen.
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