Colorado Springs: Temporary closure of 25th Street bridge in Old Colorado City

~ The City of Colorado Springs has announced a temporary closure of the bridge at 25th Street and Naegele Road for maintenance, set to begin on Monday, February 3rd. The closure is expected to last for four weeks.

Located in the west side of the city's Old Colorado City neighborhood, 25th Street intersects with U.S. Highway 24 while Naegele Road runs parallel to the highway. Both roads will be closed at the intersection with 25th Street. The bridge itself is situated just off the highway to the east. Additionally, the Midland Trail, which runs along the bridge, will also be closed for the duration of the project.

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To navigate around the closure, drivers are advised to use 21st Street and Colorado Avenue as a detour route. However, it should be noted that the timeline for completion of this maintenance work is dependent on weather conditions.

For any questions or concerns regarding this project, individuals can reach out to or call 719-385-5908.

Filed Under: Government, City

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