City of Colorado Springs and Ford Amphitheater sign mitigation and monitoring agreement

~ The City of Colorado Springs and Ford Amphitheater, owned by Venu Holding Corporation, have come to an agreement for the 2025 concert season at the popular entertainment complex. This agreement comes after a period of community feedback and discussions between Venu, the community, and the City.

The agreement includes several new measures that demonstrate a commitment to addressing neighborhood concerns. These measures include physical mitigation efforts such as the construction of additional sound walls at the north and south boundaries of the venue, as well as a sound tunnel system at the entry to redirect sound away from nearby neighborhoods. Additionally, Venu will be making changes to their sound system that will significantly reduce noise levels leaving the amphitheater.

To ensure accurate monitoring of sound levels, Venu will install three additional noise monitoring stations in or near neighborhoods where complaints were registered. These stations will track ambient noise before and during performances and disregard any sudden extraneous sources such as emergency sirens or wind. All five monitoring stations will report in real-time to the front of house where adjustments can be made if necessary.

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The agreement also includes a commitment from both parties to maintain sound levels at or below City statute levels or average ambient readings at that location, whichever is higher. If sound levels exceed this limit by 6 dB(A) or more at two or more monitoring locations during a concert, it will be considered a violation. In such cases, Venu will face financial penalties and be required to develop a plan for additional mitigation.

While the City has issued a noise hardship permit for the Ford Amphitheater through October 2025, it is limited geographically to the Polaris Pointe Development area which includes adjacent apartments and businesses. The permit also requires Venu to comply with the new 2025 agreement as well as existing development plan requirements.

Mayor Yemi Mobolade expressed gratitude towards both the community and Venu for their diligence in reaching this agreement. He also stated that he is optimistic about the planned mitigation and monitoring efforts and will closely monitor the results throughout the season.

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J.W. Roth, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of VENU, reiterated their commitment to being good neighbors and thanked the community for their patience during this process. He also expressed support for the decision to limit the geography of the hardship permit, stating that his goal is to ensure that people need to buy a ticket to enjoy concerts at the amphitheater.

Roth also emphasized the importance of getting things right and ensuring a clear understanding of how sound will be monitored, what constitutes a violation, and how enforcement will work. He ended with a positive outlook for the 2025 season and encouraged everyone to "rock and roll."

For more information about the Ford Amphitheater, visit

Filed Under: Government, City

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