Polis Administration Helps Colorado Communities Make Historic Investments in Transportation, Clean Water, Wildfire Mitigation & More

DENVER ~ Denver - Governor Jared Polis of Colorado has announced the allocation of federal funding to 33 communities across the state. The funding, which was secured with the support of the Office of the Governor and the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), is a result of the passage of two key laws - the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

The map unveiled by Governor Polis highlights the 33 communities that have been awarded federal funding for various projects such as transportation improvements, wildfire resilience, and water infrastructure modernization. In a statement, Governor Polis expressed his pride in Colorado's efforts to attract federal funding that directly benefits local communities.

The total amount of federal funding awarded in Colorado through IIJA and IRA is $8.6 billion. With assistance from the state, local governments have been able to secure $106 million of this amount. By leveraging state funds, Colorado has seen an impressive return of $11 in federal funding for every $1 spent.

The State has also provided $4.7 million in matching funds to local governments and offered grant navigation and writing support to help unlock an additional $101 million in federal funds. Thirteen other communities included on the map have received assistance but are still awaiting decisions on their applications, which could result in an additional $73 million for Colorado communities.

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Maria De Cambra, Executive Director of DOLA, emphasized their focus on strengthening Colorado communities through various initiatives such as improving water infrastructure, increasing transportation access, and protecting against natural hazards. She also highlighted how federal funding has helped increase resiliency and enhance livability across cities and counties in the state.

To assist local governments in meeting IIJA's non-federal match requirements and accessing federal funding, Colorado created two programs - Local Match Program (LOMA) and IIJA/IRA Grant Writing and Technical Assistance Program. So far, approximately $10 million in state funds have been allocated through LOMA.

Additionally, 13 Regional Grant Navigators (RGNs) were funded by the state to help local governments and tribes understand the grant funding opportunities and access funding from these historic laws.

Some notable projects that have received federal funding with the support of the state include:

- Northeast Colorado Association of Local Governments: A coalition of 17 counties and towns in Northeast Colorado received a highly competitive $1.2 million RAISE grant with grant writing assistance from the state. The funding will be used to develop a Long-Range Transportation Plan aimed at reducing pollution and improving access to daily destinations.

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- Larimer County: With support from their Regional Grant Navigator, Larimer County received nearly $9.7 million for wildfire mitigation in the Red Feather Lakes area. This funding will help protect homes and properties, improve forest and watershed health, and increase resilience to future wildfires.

- City of Pueblo: The City of Pueblo received $1.7 million in matching funds from the state to replace the Union Avenue Bridge with a new one. The bridge, which is almost 100 years old, is an important connection between downtown Pueblo and South Pueblo. The replacement will improve safety and support the movement of people and goods.

- Town of Cheraw: The Town of Cheraw received $789,500 in federal funding for installing 286 smart water meters across the town and four nearby communities. With matching funds provided by the state, this project will allow for better tracking of water usage, identification of leaks, and improvement in customer water use patterns.

Governor Polis expressed his excitement about continuing to work towards making the most out of this historic opportunity as they build a stronger Colorado through these investments in roads, bridges, clean water, wildfire mitigation, and more while creating jobs and strengthening local economies.

Filed Under: Government, State

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