Colorado: Governor’s Office Submits Supplemental and Budget Amendment Requests to JBC

DENVER ~ Denver - The Governor's Office has announced that it will be submitting its 2024-2025 supplemental budget requests and 2025-2026 budget amendments today, following the latest economic forecast. These requests are aimed at preserving education funding, increasing government efficiency, and investing in public safety while also protecting the state's fiscal future.

Governor Polis expressed his optimism about the balanced budget request, stating that it is "generally good news" due to higher than expected population growth since the November budget. He believes that these investments will benefit all Colorado students and help crack down on crime to keep communities safer. The Governor also emphasized the importance of making government more efficient and responsive to the needs of Coloradans while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

The supplemental budget requests include several key allocations, such as $35 million to fulfill the updated student-focused school finance formula and implement 18% of the formula over six years. An additional $12 million will be used to support at-risk students, while $10 million will go towards addressing new federal unfunded mandates in the Child Care Assistance Program.

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Funding for pediatric behavioral health will be restored with $19.5 million, along with $14.6 million for Colorado's rural institutions of higher education. In an effort to increase youth detention bed capacity faster, $5.8 million will be allocated to provide youth with the necessary tools for successful rehabilitation.

Other notable requests include $3.3 million in increased funding for Colorado's Universal Preschool program and $2 million for crime prevention grants. Additionally, there is a proposed balancing proposal and reductions totaling $43 million that have been presented by Joint Budget Committee Staff.

These requests build upon the successes of the Polis Administration, which includes a decrease in crime for two consecutive years, historic legislation to create more affordable housing options for Coloradans, free college tuition for two years, free kindergarten programs, major investments in air quality protection, and expanded transportation options.

Overall, the Governor's Office is confident that these budget requests will continue to move Colorado in a positive direction and benefit its citizens in various ways.

Filed Under: Government, State

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