Colorado Springs: From the desk of Mayor Yemi: an update on the Ford Amphitheater

~ In a recent press release, Mayor Blessing "Yemi" Mobolade of Colorado Springs announced the city's commitment to finding collaborative solutions that promote human flourishing, economic prosperity, and cultural vibrancy. This commitment has led to a partnership with the Ford Amphitheater, owned by VENU, to address concerns raised by residents regarding noise levels.

The City has worked closely with VENU to identify and agree upon solutions that align with these values and have taken into account feedback from residents. As a result of this collaboration, a sound mitigation and monitoring agreement has been signed between the City and VENU.

Under this agreement, there will be enhanced sound mitigation and monitoring measures in place, as well as clearer oversight and reporting requirements. Additionally, a limited noise hardship permit for the 2025 season has been approved for the Polaris Pointe development only.

To ensure accurate monitoring of concert noise levels, five sound monitoring stations will be installed. Three of these stations will be provided by VENU and approved by the City in consultation with sound professionals. They will be strategically placed inside or adjacent to nearby neighborhoods where residents have expressed concerns about noise levels. If baseline ambient noise measurements exceed the City Code limit of 50 dB(A) at these locations, the amphitheater must keep its noise levels below the measured ambient noise. Any violation of this limit will result in a $500 penalty for each instance and an action plan for reducing noise levels at that location in the future.

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In order to fulfill their commitment to mitigating noise levels, VENU is constructing additional sound wall barriers on the north and south sides of the amphitheater. These measures must be completed within this year as per the agreement.

Mayor Mobolade expressed gratitude towards VENU for their willingness to work with neighbors of the Ford Amphitheater. He also acknowledged those residents who have been impacted by excessive noise and advocated for changes to be made. At the same time, he recognized the enjoyment that the new venue brings to many residents.

As Mayor of Colorado Springs, Mobolade is dedicated to serving all residents and his team is committed to finding innovative and data-driven solutions. Their vision is for Colorado Springs to be a safe, economically prosperous, culturally rich, welcoming, and vibrant city that shines brightly. With this partnership between the City and VENU, they are one step closer to achieving this goal.

In conclusion, Mayor Mobolade signed off with a message of unity and progress for the city of Colorado Springs. "Onward and upward," he wrote. "We are Colorado Springs."

Filed Under: Government, City

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