Colorado Springs: City to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday

~ As the nation prepares to honor the legacy of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., the City of Colorado Springs has announced that several administrative and elected offices and agencies will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

According to a press release from the city, the following facilities will be fully closed on Monday: Administrative offices for Mountain Metropolitan Transit (although buses will still operate on their regular schedule), City Administration Building, City Clerk, City Hall, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum, Deerfield Hills, Hillside, and Meadows Park community centers, Memorial Park Recreation Center, Municipal Court, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Administration Building, Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site, Sales Tax Office, Sports Office at Memorial Park, Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center, and Therapeutic Recreation Programs at Westside Community Center.

However, some facilities will remain open for normal business hours unless otherwise noted. These include Evergreen and Fairview cemeteries (although their offices will be closed), Garden of the Gods Park (which is always open to visitors), Patty Jewett and Valley Hi golf courses (weather permitting), Patty Jewett Bar & Grill (for indoor dining from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.), CADDIES at Valley Hi (for indoor dining from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), Pikes Peak – America's Mountain (weather permitting with uphill gates opening at 9 a.m., last entry at 3 p.m., summit closing at 4 p.m., and downhill gates closing at 5 p.m.), Sertich Ice Center (no public sessions), and Skate in the Park (no public sessions).

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In addition to these closures and openings, there are also several commemorative events happening in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. One such event is being hosted by Colorado College on Monday morning at the Antlers Hotel. The annual Pikes Peak Region Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration will begin at 8 a.m. and is free and open to the public.

For more information on this event and other Martin Luther King Jr. Day events happening in the area, visit the MLK Legacy Preservation Society's website or call 719-385-7325 for the most current weather conditions. Let us all take this day to remember and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., a man who dedicated his life to fighting for equality and justice for all.

Filed Under: Government, City

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